Do you have a villa on Bonaire or Curacao and do you want to rent it out carefree with a good return?
We take care of the total management and optimal rental of your property.

How do we do this?
Create professional and truthful photos, virtual tour and a clear description of your villa.
Put availability online on Airbnb,, VRBO etc.
Create a website for presenting your home and offering the opportunity to book directly.
The website is added to the overview of holiday homes on our website.
Maintain contact with guests from the first information request to the check-out.
Financial settlement, you get an invoice and the payment per booking, within 5 business days of check-out.
If desired, we will take care of the sales tax (tourist tax) tax return and its payments.

What does it cost?
For the management of your property we ask per booking 19% excluding sales tax of the accommodation amount (rate per night x number of nights)
The construction of the website including the booking module is free. Maintenance, hosting, management and support of the website is also free.
Creating a virtual tour is at an additional cost.